Exercising during a heatwave requires careful consideration and adjustments to ensure your safety and well-being. Despite the scorching temperatures, staying physically active remains important for maintaining overall health.
By following a few key guidelines, you can modify your exercise routine to accommodate the heat and continue working out safely. Here are some tips you can follow:
Go for Low-Intensity Workouts in the Morning
During a heatwave, it’s smart to adjust your exercise routine to lower-intensity workouts for safety. As much as possible, avoid intense exercises and instead opt for activities like interval training.
These workouts allow breaks for water and recovery. You can also consider indoor options like resistance training with bands or yoga to stay active without exposing yourself to excessive heat. Remember, staying hydrated is key, and always prioritize your well-being during hot weather workouts.
Always Keep Yourself Hydrated
Staying hydrated is crucial, especially in hot weather and during physical activity. Prepare in advance by hydrating well the night before if you plan to exercise early in the morning.
Have a drink before heading out and ensure you bring water with you while working out. Proper hydration is essential for maintaining your well-being and performance.
Exercise Early in the Morning
If you’re not accustomed to regular exercise, it’s best to avoid starting during a heatwave, according to Rebekah Lucas, Associate Professor in Physical Activity and Health at the University of Birmingham.
However, if you’re already in the habit of exercising and in good health, there’s no need to stop during a heatwave—just take precautions.
Lucas suggests considering the heat as an extra challenge to your workout. Just as you wouldn’t maintain the same running pace uphill, adjust your intensity for the heat. Slow down your pace, shorten your distance, and recognize the additional strain that the heat imposes.
Choose to exercise indoors or opt for the coolest part of the day—typically early morning—to avoid high temperatures. Urban areas can experience the “urban heat island effect” in the evenings, so mornings are often the best time to work out comfortably.
Wear Loose Clothing
Staying comfortable while being active outdoors in hot weather involves choosing the right clothing. According to Rebekah Lucas, Associate Professor in Physical Activity and Health at the University of Birmingham, it’s beneficial to opt for layered clothing that allows air movement across your skin.
Light-colored clothing made from natural fabrics like cotton and wool can enhance airflow, making you feel cooler.
While synthetic fabrics used in workout clothes can be effective at moisture-wicking, Lucas suggests leaning towards natural materials for personal comfort.
Additionally, when spending time outdoors, it’s essential to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. Wearing sunscreen and a hat can prevent sunburn and excessive exposure to direct sunlight, ensuring a safer and more enjoyable experience.
Pay Attention to Your Body
Lastly, you want to pay attention to your body and be vigilant about physical warning signs when exercising in hot weather. The act of working out during high temperatures places added stress on your body, and neglecting to take proper care can lead to serious health issues.
Dr. Jason Gibson, a Sports Medicine Specialist, explains that heat-related illnesses occur along a spectrum. The initial indicators encompass sensations of dizziness, lightheadedness, and fatigue.
These signals serve as cues to immediately stop the activity and initiate cooling measures. This proactive approach aims to decrease the likelihood of a more severe heat-related illness from developing.
Listening to these early signs and taking swift action can play a pivotal role in preventing potential health complications.